Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine

Real-time 3D development platform for creating interactive experiences, including games, VR, and AR.

What is Unreal Engine? 

Unreal Engine is a cutting-edge, industry-leading real-time 3D game development engine developed by Epic Games. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools, features, and a powerful visual scripting system that empowers developers to create high-fidelity interactive experiences across various platforms.

Unreal Engine x DeepMotion?

DeepMotion enables Unreal Engine users to create 3D Animation from a video with AI motion capture, or turn 2D images into 3D Poses, ready to be imported directly into your projects. 

The new Animate 3D “Root Joint at Origin” animation setting allows you to more easily retarget your animations in Unreal Engine. This setting also provides compatibility with MetaHuman characters. Check out the latest tutorial for more, and stay tuned for our future Unreal Engine rig integration directly into Animate 3D.

How to get started with DeepMotion and Unreal Engine? 

In this video learn how to create an animation with DeepMotion Animate 3D, import it into Unreal Engine 5 and retarget it to the new Mannequin.